Book Blog Memes

Tag Tuesday: The Reader’s Questionnaire


I first saw a really similar book blog version of “20 questions” last week on Cassie’s Bookish Corner, but then was tagged in this version by Ally from Ally Writes Things! Thanks for inspiring me take on this Q&A bookish friends 🙂

1. What is your favorite book?

Ah! It is too hard to choose just one… Harry Potter obviously (#always), Anne of Green Gables, Ella Enchanted, The Nightingale, The Night Circus, The Red Tent, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Ok I need to stop…

Like Water for Chocolate, The Princess Bride, The Book Thief…. Ok now I’m really done 🙂

2. What are your goals? For the year? For your life?

I’ve previously blogged about the 25 book Reading Challenge I’m trying to complete this year. In addition to that bookish goal, I’d like to read 40 books overall and increase the diversity of what I’m reading (more authors of color and non-USA books). I will do a mid-year check up post at the end of June to see how I’m doing!

As for life goals- I’d love to own a bookstore someday, have an epic personal library in my home, and write a handful of books (my first couple attempts at NaNoWriMo did not end well… third time’s a charm?).

I also have non-book related goals such as developing a regular yoga practice, starting a compost bin, figuring out how to be a better homeowner/housekeeper, and engaging in local government more. But book goals are more fun!

3. Are you a writer? If so, tell me about your work.

Sigh… See previous NaNoWriMo link… I love writing and was one of the few people in my graduate school cohort who actually looked forward to writing papers. After graduating a year ago, I missed writing so much that I attempted NaNo last fall and started this blog in March. I blog mostly about books and my attempt at a novel in November was a YA/scifi/superhero epic with a nerdy heroine who also loves cats and soup. Someday I’ll finish it…

4. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Oh so many places… But top three- India, London/Paris, and South Africa.

5. What was the last movie you saw in the theatre and was it worthwhile?

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 and yes absolutely! I loved how unique and fun the first Guardians movie was. This one was that as well only more so! I love baby Groot ❤

6. I’m curious, are there any books that you’ve tried to read and simply couldn’t finish? This is a no judgement zone.

My only DNF in recent memory was The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. The only reason I didn’t finish it was that it was due back at the library and I had too many other things started at the time. I will go back and finish this! I also didn’t finish the Hobbit. I’ve been trying to read that for about five years- it’s probably my most shameful readerly secret…

7. Are you currently working on a new book/project right now? If it’s secret, you don’t have to tell me about it. If so, however, I hope it’s going well.

Just this blog! Hoping to work my way up to a BookTube channel someday.

8. If you could live in any of your favorite books, which one would you choose?

Oh obviously Harry Potter! I want to shop on Diagon Alley! Have butterbeer in Hogsmeade! Live at Hogwarts! Ah a girl can dream…

9. Are there any book-to-movie adaptations that you think are just incredible? That you absolutely hated?

I’m really liking the Handmaid’s Tale right now. I think they’re doing a good job of finding places to expand the story while keeping the original spirit of the book. I also thought Gone Girl and Girl on the Train were pretty decent. Of all time the best is Princess Bride- hands down.

Ones I hated? Elle Enchanted and the Book Thief. Both were such great opportunities for good movies that just missed the mark in big ways.

10. What do you look for in a book that you want to read? What’s the first thing to capture your attention?

Usually if something keeps popping up on my radar, either in reviews online or the newspaper or I see it in stores, that’ll get me to pick something up. I read across a pretty wide spectrum of topics so it could be anything. Always a sucker for a plucky heroine or coming of age tale though! And a beautiful cover doesn’t hurt!

11. If you’re an author, what do you do when you first get an idea for a book?

I have a reading/writing journal where I jot down notes. I also use the notes feature on my phone- sometimes inspiration hits you at odd moments… like on the treadmill for example.

12. How do you feel about different genres? Romance? YA? Sci-Fi? Poetry? Do you have any favorites? Any least-favorites?

Like I said- I read pretty much across the spectrum. If I have to choose a top three I would say literary fiction, historical fiction and YA. I also love classics. I’d love to read more poetry and short stories. The only thing I’d stay away from is detailed descriptions of war. I can handle thrillers and mysteries no problem, but I recently read something that described war crimes committed during the Vietnam War and I didn’t think I would finish the book.

13. If you could meet any writer in the world, dead or alive, who would it be?

JK Rowling ❤

14. Do you prefer Fiction or Non-Fiction?

Generally fiction, but there are a couple non-fiction that I love (stole this answer from Ally word for word!)

15. Are there any characters that everyone loves that you can’t stand? Or vice versa?

I had a really hard time with Amy and Meg from Little Women.

16. What do you like to do besides reading/writing?

I love to run and do yoga and hang out with my pets.

17. If you could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?

I just hope that in some small way I can leave this world a better place than when I came into it.

18. What is your favorite guilty pleasure book?

Patsy Walker aka Hellcat. Comics about a crime fighting cat- she’s part of the Marvel universe. Beast of Booktopia got me volume one for Christmas and I absolutely loved it! I also have been meaning to read some of the Star Wars expanded universe for ages, so I imagine someday that will be my answer to this question.

19. Do you have a reading goal set for this year?

40 books. 25 as part of the challenge I’ve chosen. Increased diversity!

20. Tell me anything about yourself that I haven’t asked. Random fact. Weird human trick. Whatever.

I ate an orange for the first time when I was 14 years old.

I tag:

Sorry if you’ve already done this one or something similar! Also since I barely made it as part of Tag Tuesday… I suppose this could be Tag Thursday for all of you?

What do you think? Anything the questionnaire missed? Can’t wait to see what you tagged ladies come up with and to keep connecting with other bookish friends! Until then…

Off to the cupboard with you now, Chip. It’s past your bedtime. Goodnight, love…”

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